Thursday, December 15, 2005
  Guess what????
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Leah just called from Alaska and.......

It's a Boy!!!!!!!!!!!

My Leah Marie is having a baby boy!!!! I just got off the phone with her and this is so exciting. I have to call Emily at work and tell her. Oh she's going to run and look at little boy clothes I know it. Overalls and boots and truck t-shirts. Leah even mentioned that they might move back down. That would be so wonderful. So awesome!!!!

I am so excited!!!!

new baby in May!!! 
Wonderful!!! I'm so excited for you all.

That's not a big smile on your face is it??
And right behind you, is that a corner you just turned?
Thanks Aravis. I am beaming also. Cliff, it's a huge corner we just turned.

This baby is going to be raking in the "love" I'll tell ya.

I picture a chubby baby, dimpled chins, yes more then one. Tiny fingers and tiny toes. Spoiled rotten baby!!! I can't wait.
Why don't I have a problem imagining you spoiling that little baby boy. Congratulations.
Why Ralph? What ever do you mean? :)
Such *wonderful* news! Here I am reading this for the first time in May, so I wonder if the baby boy is born yet? Congratulations to you, your daughter and your whole family. :)
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