Wednesday, December 29, 2004
  Asian Holocaust? I have just sat and viewed 274 photo's on yahoo news. Devastation everywhere. I double-clicked slideshow because I thought I would see pictures of the actual wave, somebody must have taken some pic's of that. But what I saw were photo's of suffering. Unbearable, unmanageable suffering. Bloated bodies, body bags, orphans, crying, weeping and sobbing people. My God, how will they all get through this? I couldn't help but wonder about all the mental health help these people would need, I mean, homelessness, starvation, disease, thirst, and then dealing with PTSD, anxiety, depression. People watching as thousands are put into mass graves, loaded like cord wood into trucks, sounds like something I read about the holocaust. There is no Hitler here, no Stalin, Mussolini. There is no one to express their anger and their grief too. There is no one they can blame. Yet there is the fact that they had no warning system. Will they do the American thing and sue? There were photo's of people watching funeral pyre's. Families watching families go up in smoke, as if they never existed. Pictures of people looking at pictures of the dead. Dead children, how horrible. Looking for there own loved ones and seeing all the others. Who can comfort them? There was a set of photos that showed a man trying to comfort his Thailand girlfriend, a photographer captured many pictures of them. The man tried to hold his girlfriend tight. Trying to hold her together as she was coming apart. There was one photo that struck me as really strange, in the middle of this devastation there was an ariel photo of two people sunbathing on their deck, in the middle of all of this! Perhaps it's no worse then me, just sitting here writing what I'm thinking. Wondering how my family would have survived. I know I would want to find my children quickly, let them know I was alive, they weren't alone. But would I be up to the task? Would I myself be a heap somewhere overcome and terrified? I don' t know. Imagine the World Trade Center magnified many times over, I can't imagine. I wasn't there at the WTC, I just saw the photos on the news, watched as the second plane hit the tower. Thank God there are so many relief organizations out there. So many countries gathering supplies, organizing and doing something to help. What can I do?
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