Tuesday, December 28, 2004
  Learning to Blog Well I've just started my own blog. I'm very new to this, and am not really sure what I'm doing. I've always wanted to be a writer, but this time I might actually write. I have thought of writing since I was a little girl. I've collected books, journals and empty notebooks for as along as I can remember. The only problem with that is I haven't been able to write with a pen as fast as I can type. This is a much more natural approach for me. I've always had lots to say and some say I say it well. We'll see.

The thing that is heavy on my mind tonight is the disaster in Asia. I can't even imagine what the devastation is like. We've never really dealt with anything of this magnitude in the states. We've had our earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and so forth, but to lose over 50,000 people and still counting is mind boggling. That is more then 7 of my town. And how does one go about organizing a clean up, a search and rescue, where would you start? I've read where our seismologists new the tsunami was coming but there was nothing they could do but send messages. There was no advance warning for those countries. They have nothing in place to prevent this kind of disaster. Why does something so horrible have to happen before people take the initiative to do something? They said this area only has earthquakes every hundred years or so. When was the last one?

My daughter worries about catastrophe's, hurricanes, tsunami's, earthquakes, all the other natural disasters that happen. I was able to pick up a flyer about tsunami's today when I went for a walk in town. Living in a coastal town they try to keep warnings posted everywhere about things that can go wrong. A big one is "don't turn your back on the ocean". Where I live large unexpected waves have been known to take children and pets from the beach, also living in a logging area, large logs are known to be floating in and around the waters. Though the waves can pick these logs up so it looks like toothpicks, they can crush you if they roll on you.

I guess I've written enough about that for now. There is still so much on my mind. I guess I will first see what this looks like when it's posted. Very interesting.

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