This is something I just learned from searching the help site on blogger. What this little format does when added to your link, right after the last quotation mark and before the title of your link, is open the link in a new window. Now if you want all your links in new windows it's best to click on the window button up in the right hand corner of your window. That way people don't have to use the back button to get back to your blog. Now I think this is quite handy myself. And for those of you who already know this, I'm glad, I learn best by discovery(which should be done through research, but sometimes I just have to stumble on the right thing) is brought about by my questions. Of course this little tid bit is best used without those funny {} things. This I learned from trying to help Cliff and got lost myself in an explanation but was helped by another blogger. Apparently these little {} things when put around html's will let you write out an html without getting the error message. If you try to type in html's it will publish those instead of showing the format. Confusing? Of course I'm trying to explain something I just learned. I don't know how to explain it yet, and you see by this constant jabber I am avoiding what I need to write about.
¶ 1/23/2005 10:00:00 PM