Monday MondayIt's Martin Luther King Day early am. Laying in bed craving some chai tea with milk, good and hot. Opened the door to let the puppies out, though it's too dark to see the sound of the rain outside made it all to clear, nobody wanted to go outside. They'd rather lay here on the floor next to my feet then cozy up on the couch. No stranger I guess then me wanting to sit at this computer slippers on my feet, shawl around my shoulders when I could be cozy in bed. Our stove, even as little as it is, sure can go through the stuff. I think me thinks too much. I'm sitting looking at my keyboard thinking of what I should write about. It's best if I just write. Sis keeps bringing me an old sock wanting to play. She's so cute. Her brown eyes are so soft you can't help but reach down and pet her and smile. Even if she is the runt of the bunch she can put any dog in its place that's for sure. Gun just lays there, he's kind of like Odie without the energy.
I have no comments on anything yet this morning, I haven't read any news on-line or in the paper. We don't have cable which I'm glad about, it seems the minute we have cable someone always finds a reason for it to be on. I don't like noise. Most days when it's just me and the dogs we have no noise, but each other. I like it that way. I'd rather read a book then watch a movie. I'd rather work on my jewelry then watch a sitcom, I do miss certain shows though. Monk was one of my favorites. I loved watching a&e, the discovery channel. Some times I feel like one of those pac man thingy's, I want to eat up as much information as possible. It really sucks sometimes because trying to retrieve the information after having swallowed it up is near impossible. I might get a fact, but the name eludes me. I might be able to give you a run down on the story, but backing it up with names and places, well forget it. It's almost like I'm running on empty all the time, fill me up fill me up. Feed me more.
I really detest reality shows, survivor etc. They are always so dramatic and bring out the worst human attributes, God forbid if some ET's happened upon those shows and saw how people can behave. I do realize they show that people are survivalists, but must they subject everyone to the petty jealousies and betrayals? Anyway I've blabbed enough about that already. My mother used to say "the only thing that separates us from the barbarians, are our manners". I don't know where she got this, but I think it's basically true.