Wednesday, January 19, 2005
  Writer's Palette I am very excited ! I have seen alot of white blogs today and thought it looked so refreshing so I have changed mine to white. Not only is it clean and fresh, like sheets hanging out to dry....I can use any color for my font. Having had a green template before left me with few choices that go with green. I used purple alot or darker green. Ah, but now, it's like a painting. Any colors at all. Plus the fact that I have figured out somewhat how to do this html thing without too much trouble. I finally figured that if I save my template to word pad or something I can play around with it, without worrying about losing anything, permanently. It takes me awhile to catch on. But half the fun is in the learning. So I've played enough for a while and will get on to something else.
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"Though my soul may set in darkness, It will rise in perfect light, I have loved the stars too fondly To be fearful of the night" ~ Sarah Williams

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