Beat The Bank?Anybody out there familiar with that game? It's really a dreadful game.
It causes sweating of the palms
Nervous tic's
High blood pressure
Selective hearing
Darting of the eyes
Checking your online account frequently
Lots of apologies
Tutoring in math
Promises to God
Those are just the symptoms from playing, you should see what happens when you lose.
¶ 2/24/2005 11:38:00 AM
Cheap shots are great, I can handle them. Unfortunetly, I don't think it was that simple.
The one time I had bought a house, actually a manufactured house I experienced a major panic attack. It wasn't because of what it cost, it was because I was so excited as I stood around with my kids looking at it coming up the hill. My body got it's signals crossed, instead of being elated I was struck down by sheer terror. I'm still working on getting those damn signals to work properly.
# posted by bridgesitter : Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:15:00 PM
The first payment on my first house bounced - it truly was a banking error though no one wanted to believe it till later - much later. Those signs you listed caused me to have a major flashback, thanks - I think.
# posted by Ralph : Thursday, February 24, 2005 7:37:00 PM
The banks have changed the rules and made the game nearly impossible to play. The word float has sunk to the bottom. A couple of saturdays ago Marilyn and I used a paid up credit card for a $1500 plus purchase and by the time time we got to Wal-Mart on the way home, the card wouldn't work anymore. We had to call and verify the purchase before we could use the card again. They said it was outside of our usual pattern.
# posted by Cliff : Sunday, February 27, 2005 8:34:00 PM