!!!I Am Very Excited!!
Yes siree, I've been making jewelry for a long time now. I don't mean metal smything, is that spelled right? Anyway I make beaded things. Bracelets, earrings, necklaces things like that. I use all kinds of things in my creations. I mostly enjoy working with natural stones, you know agates, gemstones, coral and the like. I like to use leather, sterling silver, linen cord stuff like that. I've sold quite a bit of my stuff, especially when I was back in Minnesota. I sold it to boutiques and had some in a local art gallery. I made special orders and stuff. But the reason why I'm excited is I have sold my first piece on eBay!! Yeah! Of course I'm not getting what I'd get at a boutique or something but for now that's okay. Nobody's taking a percentage so I can deal with that. The best part, I don't have to go out and sale my things to people face to face. I like it that way. So yes I'm excited and what am I doing to celebrate? I'm writing this blog. Hmmm oh well I'll bow now and smile and blow kisses cause that's how good it made me feel. So I'm going to try and post the piece I sold, maybe you can give me some feed back. So Please keep in mind that I don't have a digital cameral so my jewelry is scanned. 
This is Called Banana Antler