Tuesday, February 22, 2005
  Please explain to me....... Fridays Oregonian had a front page article that left me stunned. It seems a man (turns out it's the grandfather!) abused a 3 year old girl. Served 6 months in prison and is now living within one mile of the victims home.

This is the stuff that nightmares are made of. What in the #@$& is he doing out after only 6 months? What kind of man would even do this? Go ahead and tell me there's nothing wrong with how our government works!! We're supposed to trust them to make decisions for our lives? Geeze I can't even write any more about this. 
Okay bridgesitter, come have a look. I have finished the tree, at least as far as it's going. And I've rewritten the two that were on there. cliff
I've written extensively on this issue on other blogs. It is one of the rare cases where I feel the death penalty is the closest form of "justice." I wish, with all my heart, that life imprisonment truly was carried out and such criminals were NEVER released.

However, the reality is, in the USA at least, that these criminals who perform such heinous violent, sickening acts, continue to victimize. No injections, no rehabilitation, no cognitive therapy, has been shown to truly reduce whatever causes the person to commit and REPEAT such abominations.

I could write too much here about this. I'm glad you posted this because too many people block out such atrocities and do nothing to try to prevent this from being part of our society.
Green-Eyed Lady
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