Friday, March 11, 2005
  Writer's Block........? I'm experiencing a bit of a writer's block lately. I think I've been a little consumed by all the news surrounding the BTK. The shooting of the Judges Husband and Mother. The dialogue that goes on between Michael Jackson's accuser and the defense lawyer. The missing children from the Amber Alert ticker. Now there is another killing of a Judge, his court reporter and a deputy, this happening in Atlanta Georgia. Yes so there is alot of bad news out there.

But along with the bad there was also some funny stuff. A toilet paper tax in Florida. Really quite funny and full of puns. The one about the people in India who don't pay their tax and have to face the music. Rup pup pum pum pum!!! Also the one in Pennsylvania about a Robber in a Pluto Mask.

So please forgive me if I'm not being creative today. There are plenty of people out there that are.
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