Sunday, April 03, 2005
  Some other things A couple of days ago Jessie, one of my daughters calls me on the phone. "Mom!! you're selling that vase Grama gave me!". Yes I had to confess I was selling it on ebay. She was very upset with me about that. We talked awhile about all the crap I have around here, and if you want all the stuff that grama gave you you've got to come and get it. I'm not kidding when I say I have lots of stuff around here that does not belong to me. Sometimes I can't keep track of whose is whose. That spelling doesn't look right, but anyway, in an earlier post I wrote about my storage rental that's also full of everybody else's stuff too.

The reason I'm writing this is because, I had to laugh when I told Jessie, that I most certainly take after my mother in the fact that I sell things that I've given to my children, or what they're grandmother gave them as is the case here. Alot of times in the past when my mother lacked for funds, she would pluck something out of her antique store and give them as presents for birthdays, Christmas, whatever. Months might pass before she would be back searching for such items.

Now this is very comical, we always had a good laugh about this. Say she was over after dinner, and we'd be doing the dishes and she'd come across something in the cupboard she'd say, "Pamela, this is so pretty! Where did you get it?". "Mom", I'd say, "you gave that to me for my birthday!". Next thing you know it's sitting down there in her store again! There were never any hard feelings involved in this, it was just understood ya know, that these were things that had no sentimental value, they were just things. She would always give you something else much better down the road.

So I told Jessie, I couldn't take it off the auction, I just couldn't. I told her she would have to bid on it. So she is. So who ever reads this, do not bid on that purple vase, if you do and if you win, Jessie and I will be very mad and we'll have to come to your house and take it back! And if I get there first, well it's going back on the auction block.

Let me say this one more time to all my children out there: If you want your stuff, you must come and get it. 
You sound like Popeye. I sez what I means and I means what I sez.
I don't spend much time on ebay - but I did tonight looking for a purple vase.
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