Monday, June 13, 2005
  It's Idgie's fault ya know..... I just can't stop now...

Below I'm conducting some mental health experiments for my mental health! what else?

You Are Best Described By...

The Starry Night

by Vincent van Gogh

What Famous Work of Art Are You?

To me it's very ironic that I would be considered this piece of Art from this test, I have always loved this picture. Especially the swirls around the stars. hmmmmm- this is kinda fun!!
If you're interested, I've been conducting some tests on myself by the NBS. Test results are below in the previous posts. Thank you again for your support. Of course you have to be in the right frame of mind for this. If you're not, you will get bored very quickly. ttfn 
Starry Night is on my mouse pad; it's one of my favorites! :0)
I don't like Starry Night although I appreciate Vincent's work. I *must* take this test though. HOw could I resist, Pam? :) Thx for putting it up here
ROFL!!!!!!! One question quiz and it came up with Starry Night even though I don't like that painting. I am laughing so hard. Although, I am a night person..... hehe
That's how observent I am, I clicked numeruos boxes and then clicked the last one too, thus I am what I am, starry starry night. I didn't notice it didn't take into account all the other boxes I clicked. More coffee please,
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"Though my soul may set in darkness, It will rise in perfect light, I have loved the stars too fondly To be fearful of the night" ~ Sarah Williams

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