Wednesday, June 29, 2005
  handPaintedBHi Tech House- nostalgia for Iansign monoprix OGraffiti exclamationGraffiti exclamation

Just tinkin' around and getting ebay eyes! I'm also practicing for when I actually leave this house and have to show my face to those I've avoided. I am also having a bad hair day. I hate flat hair, my kids say, "mom, you always have flat hair." Well it's unusually flat today! My neon pink is near washed out and is becoming something that resembles strawberry koolaid.
Flat hair is better than uh... no hair.
I don't know Cliff, I was thinking about shaving my head and getting a tattoo!! ;-)
Go for it bridge; I often threaten to shave my head and dye it purple with orange polka dots! *G*
when I was on chem-o and bald (instead of mostly bald) my family took to using a laundry marker and my head for a message center. That's all the tattoo's I need.
When my step-daughter went through chemo, instead of having just some hair she shaved her head. People thought she was a skin head! Boy she could tell you some stories!
Another lesson in judging somebody by the way they look.
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