Thursday, June 16, 2005
  Just Wondering...... My email home page is constantly showing butts. I mean butts everywhere. Naturally they're all perfect butts. Advertising some miracle cream of some kind. Then they have the gall to show the south beach diet ads, full length. We're talking side bars, headers, footnotes, what ever. What is the message I'm getting here? Is this America's way of telling everybody they're too fat? Is this how we're fighting obesity in this country? Why don't we have ads by the Agriculture Department showing wonderful pieces of tantalizing fruit, or freshly picked vegetables? Do we always have to rely on the sexuality of people and their presumed desire to please the opposite sex? Come on already!! These ads do nothing to promote healthy eating. If anything I think they would provoke bulimia and anorexia.

This stuff bothers me right along with the playboy bunny on the clothes of teenagers. Women have been fighting this exploitation for a long time now, and some how it has ended up on girls clothing. The very girls we've been trying to protect. Personally when I see these kinds of clothes I make an effort to complain to the store managers. I should probably write letters to the clothes manufacturers but as of yet I haven't.

Post Script here: guys don't even ask what my email homepage is! ;-) that would really tick me off!
I'd complain about the diet ads, but I'm too busy shoveling glazed mini-donuts into my mouth... *G*
hey bridgesitter, what's yer ema.... uh never mind.
I don't think it's exploitation. Companies sell what people want, and young girls today are into sexy clothing, sexy everything. Times have greatly changed since the 1960's. If women didn't want to entice men, they wouldn't wear the stuff, or use the makeup, or take the diet meds, etc., and men like to be enticed. It's an age-old story. Some people don't want to take part and some can't take part.

Cliff and Aravis you guys are toooo funny! As for Carl, that's my point, why do we encourage this? What do you think about the thong bathing suits they now have for young (1-6) or older girls to wear? See this is what I'm talking about, we need to encourage young girls and young women to love their bodies and treat them accordingly. We should be building self esteem in the young and not conditioning them to be sexual "things" for the opposite sex. The picture is far too large for me to describe but sex is what sells and that is where some of us are trying to change things. It's way to big for one person to change, but I know there are many women and I can say proudly that my daughters are among them who feel it is exploitation to encourage this whether through stores or one on one with their friends. It's the same addage about women not being complete without a man. That's a bunch a bull shit, excuse me but this subject gets me going. We need to raise our children to feel secure in who they are so they don't lose themselves in a relationship. A mate should enhance who you are not being the factor that makes you complete.
Hear hear!
We went to Lincoln again today and on the way home we filled with gas in an extremely busy mini-mart. A twenty something guy pulls up, and goes into buy something and left the 18ish girl in the car, distraught, and crying about something. Made me want to go over and tell her to get out and run and don't stop until she got rid of him. Man,,, 'tough guys' really irritate me. You're right, women aren't 'property'.
At the pool yesterday was a little girl all of maybe 8 or 9 wearing what I would consider a very provocative bikini outfit. Couldn't believe she was allowed. But if you look at the ads, like you say, you get so used to the look that maybe Mom didn't even register it was a bit too much.

Another butt peeve - when they show a 17 years old's butt and then advertise cellulite cream so you look that good on the hind end. Noooooo.......only if you're 17!
The bible says man needed companionship so God made him a 'helper,' i.e., Eve. Neither man nor woman was intended to be alone. While we don't need one another to be complete, we do need one another. Do you know anyone complete anyway? lol

As for butts, love em. Maybe the young go too far with sexy fashion, etc. at times but I see nothing wrong with wanting to be attractive to the opposite sex. That's how babies end up getting made. As John said in his blog, make whoopee and fill the earth. lol

How do you 'lose' yourself in a relationship? Even my bad relationships were good! I guess I just don't get it. I don't ever want to be totally alone and not much chance of it happening anyway. :) As far as I'm concerned, woman is the best thing ever created.
Charles, Charles, Charles, I know companionship is a good thing. Sometimes, not for everybody. I didn't mean that, I didn't mean we shouldn't try to look our best at times for our mate, or family, or ourselves, but I think if we have good self esteem we'd look even better. I certainly don't think there's anything wrong with butts, I just don't think in our society we should be flaunting them or encouraging our children to do so. Do cheerleaders need to bump and grind to support their teams? I can sense you're having fun while making this comment and that's good, I guess I was looking more on the serious side of things. What ever happened to modesty? Believe me when I say this, I am not a prude! I'm not some straitlaced victorian spinster, far from it. I just think a little modesty might be a good thing for this day and age. Haven't woman always been attractive to men in the past? Visa versa?

Teen pregnancy is up, rape is up, violence against women and children is up, all these statistics keep rising, I think the fact that we have become so blatant about sex in the media, and just about where ever you turn, Burger King commercials, please! shows that we're losing ground. I'm not explaining this very well. I can't find the words.

As far as losing yourself in a relationship, I can see you don't know what I'm talking Many people start off in relationships so bent on pleasing the other person, trying to make everything great for them, thinking the more they do for this person the more the person will realize how much they are loved. What I've seen happen to alot of women is, after awhile the woman forgot what/who she was before. She gave up so much for her partner, that little by little the things that made her loved, and adored, or worshipped have all gone by the wayside. You get caught up in being a lover, a wife, a mother, that you lose who "you" were. Does this make any sense? It's a very subtle thing. It doesn't happen over night, it's very slow going. That's it, I'm done explaining. I think your just playing with me anyway. But I did get to vent. Thank you very much!!!
You get caught up in being a lover, a wife, a mother, that you lose who "you" were

What did you lose... being a single woman? If a woman prefers being single, more power to her and let her be single, but I see nothing wrong with being a wife and mother. I also see nothing wrong with sacrifice. And it's not just women who give up 'things' for their partner. Want me to tell you what I gave up?

Violence, teen pregnancy, etc., some are up, some are down, but those statistics usually rise when the population does, and we are a vast country now. We are a modern culture. Modesty? Women have not been modest in my adult life time, not in magazines, on TV etc. Not so much in real life either. I've been seeing women in bikinis or less since I was a boy. Don't remember any any other way, and I doubt it changes any time soon unless the right winger evangelicals get their way.

Really, doesn't it all have to do with respect? I respect women. I like women who respect men. Simple for me. I also don't get into telling others how to live too much. As long as it's legal, it's ok with me. She wants to wear a belly wire and a tank top or whatever, it's her life. I'm modest for a guy and prefer a woman with a little modesty, but I don't diss the others. Everyone's just trying to get by.
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