Sunday, June 26, 2005
  Mozilla or IE? kittywompus? I use Mozilla for my browser and so when I look at my blog things look okay. So then I was on the Internet Explorer browser and discovered that my blog is all screwed up. Are my links and Archives, and flickr all far down on the page to you guys, or is it like I see it side by side to my posts below the header? And if it's kittywompus how do I fix this? eeeeeck!!
This is typical from one browser to the next, especially when dealing with IE. My site is slightly off with IE too, but it's close enough. What I would recommend doing is fixing things in IE, and then double-checking them with Mozilla. Hope it helps! :0)
I noticed that my name is clear down at the bottom, on the right.
Well bridgesitter, at least I put your name near the top of mine.
I refuse to look at my blog in Mozilla - it looks all screwed up while it's great in IE.

So I keep Mozilla for when IE is acting up, but I would not try to mess with my blog on it. I can't tell if it's right in that browser.
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