Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Originally uploaded by bridgesitter.
To me, this is eye candy. The sun came out this morning, and damn if I wasn't singing,"the sun will come up-- tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that....blah blah blah....." I'm trying to nip it in the bud. The pun is intended. These are some of my favorite flowers, I also love viola's. They're a smaller rendition of pansys. I call them Johny Jump Ups. Anybody else call them that?
Well bridgesitter, you've been a busy little girl. I've caught up on your blogs.
These flowers are great. I really like flowers now, but didn't always appreciate them. I think it may be a matter of age for me. (maturity)
Marilyn has so many customers across two counties that she is often able to place dogs. Someone who has a problem (no money to buy a pet, or someone who needs a particular tempermant(sp) or just someone who found a small breed matched with someone who is looking for one. People really trust her. She's really relates well with dogs.
Thanks for what you do.
This is a marvelous photo Bridge. I have heard the name Johnny Jump-Ups, but being fairly new to gardening didn't know what they were. Thanks for filling in that blank for me! :0)
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