Tuesday, June 14, 2005
  Tinkerbell & Johnny Tinkerbell

This is Tinkerbell. She's tinkin' in the kitchen. I couldn't help it! She was only a buck at a garage sale. I just thought she was so cute with her little wings and all. Right now she's over looking the kitchen ready to yell should Captain Hook make an appearance.

johnny jump ups

This is for Aravis, meet Johnny Jump Up extraordinaire. These little guys are growing wild in my yard, I transplanted these to a row of Lobelia's.
Thanks bridge. These are really beautiful!
Cool tinker :)
and pretty fleurs for A!
Tinker Bell is very cute. :) I like your photo. You are very 'fair' aren't you? Your eyes look light blue in the photo. Is tht correct?
Yes I'm quite fair. And my eyes are blue, sometimes really pale and some times a mean blue, so I've been told. Lots of Norwegian in my blood. Ya fur sure! Uffda!
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