Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I just got a call from my ex-husband. It went something like this:

"Just got a call from the police department, they pulled some guy over with the green van".


"Yea, Emily drove the green van home last night"


"She's not answering her phone"

my heart stopped beating at this time as I recalled all the horror stories in the news.....

"Did the policeman say Emily was in the van?"

"No, but the guy got pulled over for drinking"


"Do you know some guy named Jacob?"

"no.." words have never failed me so much in my life....I'm dizzy just thinking about it...

"I have to run down there"

"Ask the cops if the guy knows where Emily is?"

"Don't freak out! I'm sure nothings wrong"

"okay..." I'm trying to figure out how to get to Emily's house without a car....."i'll call Emily"

"okay, I'll call the cops again and ask if the guy knows where Emily is"


I'm writing this through ragged breaths as relief floods over me because my daughter Emily just answered her phone. She is safe. The van is gone. She is safe. She just woke up. She is safe and she is home and I am writing this because I have too....because I am so relieved. 
I'm so glad she's alright! *MAJOR HUGS*
Thanks Aravis, me too. If you knew my daughter you'd know she goes straight home, doesn't pick up strangers, and is fanatical against people who drink and drive. Plus the fact that she would under no circumstances allow anyone to drive her dads vehicles, so hopefully that explains why my imagination went wild. The worst case scenerios played out in my mind, I was left shaking in my chair for quite some time. That's why I had to blog about it. I couldn't get up.
Oh, I forgot to say a 17 year old kid was arrested today in Newport Oregon for driving a stolen vehicle. He was also on drugs.
Wow, I'm glad this turned out. I know the feeling. Your brain tries to tell you to remain calm but your emotions go ballistic. Kinda makes you want to hit a kid with a ball bat.
Whew! That protective feeling about your kids is always there, especially when your heart is caught in your throat. So glad she's fine!
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