Friday, July 15, 2005
  midnight shooting in the dark

kitchen window
Originally uploaded by bridgesitter.
I went out last night to let the dogs do their numbers and started shooting pictures in the dark. You know how hard it is to see the digital screen, well I just pointed my lense and clicked. When I came in the house and put my pictures on the computer most of the pictures were totally black. I played with the auto light and hues and saturations a bit and discovered a whole world that was hiding in the dark. Sly dogs took off running down the road, oh well, I didn't even miss 'em! If my landlord says it's okay I'm going to start painting my house this color in the morning!! ;-)
That's really cool!
I vote no on the color scheme.
I think that is sooo cool! What a great picture.
okay bridge, if YOU'RE gonna quit, I'M gonna quit!
U gonna make your hair green, too w/ that pink? ;)
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"Though my soul may set in darkness, It will rise in perfect light, I have loved the stars too fondly To be fearful of the night" ~ Sarah Williams

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