Wednesday, July 06, 2005
  Miracle transformation Yesterday the dogs and I went to the beach at Fogarty Creek. It was a bit overcast, a little gray and gloomy, but the sand was still very warm on my feet, and there was a slight breeze. All along the shoreline there was alot of seaweed, it felt very cushy like an expensive carpet for me to squish between my toes. The beach was nearly deserted except for a couple of die hard sunbathers and a few kids. I threw the tennis ball for Gunnar over and over and over again. (I'm chuckling to myself now because I had just been to Aravis' blog where she drew a picture of the very same thing I had witnessed yesterday).

fogarty creek

Both the dogs love to run and play in the water, splashing and neck wrestling all the while. It's supposed to get their ya ya's out, but they never seem to tire of this simple pleasure,though I did quickly because I wanted to take pictures. I did manage to get a couple of shots off before I was totally covered in sand, and thought I'd share them here.

That does not look like the tennis ball I threw earlier!
beautiful area bridgesitter, you are fortunate. Looks to like your puppy rolled, some poor little kid, for his stuffed animal.
They look like they're having so much fun. Wish I could bring Sam over to play! *G*
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