Monday, August 22, 2005
  I've come to post As I write this I am surrounded by many boxes, rubbermaid totes and a couple of garbage bags full of clothes. I finally have my car back and it's in pretty good shape. I have sold all my books except for the few precious ones that I can't part with. I've given tons to goodwill and the salvation army. I'm in the process of waiting for Anna and Jessie to come down, hopefully tomorrow, so I can give them the last of their stuff and to say goodbye to them. Leah is in Alaska and I haven't told her I'm leaving yet. She knew I was leaving this relationship just not that I was leaving town. I'm sure I will tell her tonight.

Emily is going with me and we are going to try to leave Thursday morning. I have a small U-Haul trailer reserved. I hope it is big enough for the few furnishing that I will take and the rest of Emily's and my crap.

We are headed to a little town in Washington State called Hansville. It is north of Poulsbo, a little town I lived in once back in 1977 I believe. We are going to stay with my ex-sister-in-law Ingrid. She has a very large home from what I understand, I've never been there. It sits on Puget Sound in what is known as the banana belt up there. Ingrid has 7 children between 6-19 that live in her house with her. Her husband died five years ago from a sudden heart attack and unfortunately he did not leave her with anything other then the house. Her parents have helped her up until now to make ends meet, but I think their funds are exhausted.

As I've been pondering where to go and what to do, Ingrid called and said she sure could use our help up there. We have not seen each other in 16 years I think it is, so we will have a lot of catching up to do. We were best friends and lived across the street from each other for many years. It wasn't until I was 17 that Ingrid's brother Stanley and I "officially" met and became inseparable. She has a totally different way of looking at the world then I do. Her beliefs are very conservative Christian and her political views are opposite of mine. It should be interesting. We have talked extensively on the phone and have come to a mutual understanding and mutual agreements on various things. Ingrid has not had a job all these years as when she was married they were rather wealthy, or so she was led to believe, she does not work now as she has been home schooling and trying to keep it all together.

Her two oldest children work and put their incomes towards the house payment, I'm sure Ingrid has social security, maybe other income, I don't know. All I know is that she needs help, and Emily and I need a place to go. We had talked about possibly moving up there last month, but I decided against it because of our differences, but my thinking has changed now. I am choosing to look at this as an adventure, a crazy one, a difficult one, but maybe we can build some family ties and strengthen each other. Maybe between the two of us and the teenagers we will be able to stay afloat. All I know is what I've heard and I heard it's a mad house up there. I've been told that Ingrid is somewhat of a doormat to her children and caters to their every whim, but that is heresy. I have no delusions about what it will be like. I'm expecting it to be difficult so hopefully I will be terribly disappointed. I am holding out hope also that there are jobs up there besides housekeeping and waitressing as I know I'm not able to perform those jobs anymore. I have many talents and I'm sure I will be able to secure some type of job.

Anna gave me some advice on this adventure:

"All I can say is become a
documentarian because I'm sure you're in for
a ride. Write about it, photograph, blog.
It's going to be absolutely nuts.
That's all I have to say. Well, I always think
change is good, and even if it's crazy
it steers one in some
direction. Out of dodge to Hansville,
and then maybe out of dodge
again. ;)"

So you see I have some good advice, a car, a u-haul and my daughter Emily. What more do I need? .........Don't ask!!

I am hoping to get my computer hooked up as soon as I can. I might have to acquire that job first though. So if you don't see any new posts that is probably why.

And those of you who don't agree with my political beliefs, I hope that doesn't keep you from visiting my blog, because I am still me regardless of what I believe.

I will keep you posted.......
The best of luck to you, my friend. I too have very strong political beliefs but I don't choose to engage you.
I really hope things get better for you quickly. Maybe Ingrid can 'straighten you out'. :) With that many people, you should be able to come up with some kind of madness to make money. I'll check back to see when you make it.
My best and fondest wishes for your happiness, Bridge. You have my support and admiration always!
Good luck girl and 'post' soon and often. I wish you the best.
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