Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Proverbial Truth About George W. Bush and Cindy Sheehan

Hang in there Cindy, the country is behind you.

by Anthony Wade

August 10, 2005

Genesis 1:10

“The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground.”

George W. Bush is on vacation. Every day more children die in his war, while he is on vacation. For five weeks, George W. Bush will relax, get out in the sun, and take it easy, while your kids die. Of what value is their blood to this man? What does their sacrifice mean to a man that thinks nothing of relaxing while they die? A man who thinks so little of them, that he refuses to meet with a mother of one of the dead.

A mother of a slain soldier is sitting in a ditch outside the ranch of George W. Bush. Where is our moral president? Where is the president of family values? This is the persona that has been packaged and sold to Christians across this country and they bought it. Where is the Christianity of George W. Bush? It is one thing to say that Jesus Christ is your favorite philosopher during a photo op, but quite another thing to actually adhere to the philosophy of Christ on a daily basis.

Would Jesus Christ leave the mother of a murdered soldier sitting in a ditch in the summer heat of Texas, while he vacationed? I would think not.

****please click the title to read the rest of the story.

I'm not in a position to comment upon Christianity, but can do so in regard to humanity: I empthatically do not support George Bush. Thank you for the article post, Bridge. I cringe, reading it again.
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