Tuesday, September 20, 2005
  Emily asked me this question..... "Why are you acting like everything is normal around here?"
This was my reply:

"I'm not pretending like everything's normal
I'm just grabbing onto the moments that are."

Is this called escapism? Or trying to keep the peace?
or the sign of someone losing their mind? Or all three?

Also now that the grandfather knows, I can share this wonderful news!!!!!

I am going to be an official


My Leah Marie who is living in Alaska
is going to be a mother!!!! Yes she is and I'm very excited.

Thank you, thank you very much!!!!

Congratulations on becoming a grandma. Normal, whatever that is, is highly overrated.
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for her, and for you. This is wonderful news. :0)

And I agree with Ralph re: normal.
Hi Pia, thanks for the congrats! Emily is more or less very happy here! She has cousins everywhere which is a good thing, she has left a situation that was not healthy and is now surrounded by people who really care about her. She does butt heads with Aunty Ingrid constantly though. My job has become one of referee and mediater when they are in the same room together.

I think there are degrees of normal, but believe me when I tell you that I have to "pretend" often that things are "normal" here. I think any definition of normal would be something that you've seen or experienced sometime in your life. I'm in the twilight zone.
But-there's never a dull moment!!

The kids are great kids btw!!
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