Friday, September 02, 2005
  Today is Friday. I know that much.

For having so many people in this house it is rather quiet. It's very nice. The street we live on is also very quiet. There is virtually no traffic. No sirens, no bright street lights and no noisy neighbors. I guess we would probably be the most noisy neighbors when we get loud.

Did I mention that the room Emily and I share is upstairs and it's as big as my whole house practically that I left behind in Depoe Bay? Yes it is. Should you happen to look at a map sometime of Washington state you will see a Peninsula that is below Whidby Island we are on that. At the top of the Peninsula is a flip like curve that branches out westwards, we are on the west side of that.

Please forgive me if I repeat things, I have gotten to where I don't know if I've written something, or just thought something. Until I get my computer hooked up to the internet my time spent on this one is short.

Christopher is 19 and seems to have a different time clock then the rest of the family. This morning when I got up at 6 am he was sitting here. This is where he was sitting when I went to bed last night at midnight. At present he seems to avoid any social interaction with his family by sleeping while they are awake.

I am off today to look for work closer to Hansville then Poulsbo is. There is a Casino that is called Point No Point that is run by the S'kallum Tribe which is down the road a few miles. There is also small towns called Kingston and Port Gamble that are much closer to Poulsbo.

Ingrid and Michael and Christy and I/me went to Poulsbo day before yesterday and it has gotten so large. The restaurant that I worked at in 1977 is still there but larger, and has a different name. The buildings are still pretty, some with painting on them like a small Scandinavian town might have. There is a statue of a Viking in the park that I took pictures of. I took many pictures but must wait before I am able to post them. We spent a
long time down by the water looking at boats and very beautiful jelly fish that were swimming close to the docks. I constantly have one hand on my glasses and my other squeezing my camera. It is so like me to drop them both while bending down to get a picture.

Yesterday a man came over named Peter. Ingrid has apparently met this man while out garage saling and other places. He has invited us to a Medicine Wheel Healing Service. I'm not familiar with that but I am very much interested in Native Ameriacan Culture. I think I will be going. The S'kallum tribe has all but lost it's culture, but they are building and restoring all they can. They are building a Long House, and many other things to benefit the people of their tribe. There are not many of the Elders left that know of their culture or their language so they are scrambling trying to pass this information along to their young. I guess it is a recent development since the Casino. But then again I really know next to nothing on this topic but I will try to find out what I can. 
Sounds like you are still in the adjustment phase - but having fun.
Good luck finding a job. Hang in there! *hug*
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