Monday, October 03, 2005
  I want to be a Rock


How happy is the little stone
that rambles in the road alone,
and doesn't care about careers,
and exigencies never fears;
whose coat of elemental brown
a passing universe put on;
and independent as the sun,
associates or glows alone,
fulfilling absolute decree
in casual simplicity.

-emily dickinson
True, but a stone is often kicked aside and unloved. Sure that's what you want? Our way is much harder, but perhaps has more rewards.

This being said, Simon and Garfunkel's I Am A Rock has long been a favorite of mine. *G*
"A stone is sometimes kicked aside but when it is, someone's toe pays for
it. Also, it would depend on the size of the stone. I've seen stones that
bulldozers couldn't move. After all, a granite mountain is nothing more than
a big stone.

Then, of course, there is kidney stones. They are small but very tenacious
and to caste them aside is extremely painfully.

... so many thoughts, so little time left to think 'em."
I'll go for simplicity - like retirement.
You do not want to be a rock. ;) The little brown stone may be happy but it's so boring. You are never boring. :)
Emily Dickinson could probably persuade me to want to be anything, even dog-poo! Haha ...
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