The Four Stars in My Sky
What a sorry, sorry blog writer I appear to be. Do you ever feel like so much has gone on that you wouldn't know where to start if relaying things to people that you just leave it all out? Well that is sort of the case here but not quite.
I have been anything but a blank blog lately you just can't see all that I've written because I have chosen invisible ink for my posts. No really!!
So what I'd like to do is bring out my brag book. You know what those are don't you? Those little books with photos that parents and grandparents carry around with pictures of their children, grandchildren for all to see. That is what this post is.
Pamela's Brag Book!Let me first start out by saying that Emily has gone back to live with her dad and take up her carpenter belt again. I hope that she will pick up her bass guitar again too as she is so talented in these areas of her life that when she applies herself she is a modern marvel. Her heart is as big as Alaska which is quick to love, but also quick to hurt. And even though she will be 19 soon, I think that if she lets him, her dad could help her channel all of these energies and help her to realize all that she is able to accomplish.
My Jessie is so busy of late that she is surprising even herself at the marvelous talents that she has. She is discovering her strengths and abilities, things that have been long buried. She applies herself to school full time as she is going to be a massage therapist. She is learning all the muscles, nerves, and getting A's in tests involving things I can't even spell. Because she suffered from a birth defect that has since been healed through surgery, she has a great empathy for pain in others and the ability to detect it and to help relieve it in others as well. She is also working at a job as she accomplishes this.
My darling Leah Marie who is carrying my first "blood" grandchild is still living up in Alaska. She is working full time and running a home, and if you knew Leah you'd know she is also trying to help, nurture, care and encourage all those whose lives she touches. She is a person of eternal optimism with great strength in character.
My precious Anna is moving to Barcelona at the end of January. Why? Because she can. There has not been one obstacle in my daughters way that she has not overcome, not endured or persevered through. The reason is because she carries these very attributes within herself along with steadfastness and patience. Nothing that Anna applies herself too is ever done half-assed. You will get all or nothing from that one. While she travels the world my daughter makes short films, documentaries, teaches English and Spanish depending upon where she lives, and has always found a way to support herself because of her skills and talents.